Coaching for Persistent Pain
1:1 coaching is dedicated time together, with no distractions. It's time to talk about you, your life and how you are currently dealing with your pain/condition.
1:1 coaching gives you the time and space to process and learn about what is blocking you and getting in the way of you living the life you want. We work together and make a plan for how you can get the control back over your life.
This format provides you with the individualized structure and accountability to help you in your unique life circumstances.
1:1 coaching containers are sold in packages of 3 months. See below for more details.
1:1 Coaching Package
3 months 1:1 with Christine
8 sessions in total: 60 minutes each
First Month: 4 sessions
Second Month: 2 sessions
Third Month: 2 sessions
After you apply you will be contacted by Christine. Coaching usually runs on a Tuesday or Thursday, but can be flexible depending on your schedule. Christine is located in Amsterdam, so please take the CEST/CET time zone into consideration.
Does this sound like you?
You've had pain, for a while already...
You’ve tried it ALL, and I mean it all! You’ve been to the doctor, you’ve had all of the scans, you’ve seen physios, chiropractors, psychologists, the whole lot and maybe you’ve have some relief from these treatments, but still you fill stuck. You feel like you are doomed to live with your pain forever, forever to be under the thumb of your pain.
You feel:
Not hopeful for the future
Disengaged in your life
Maybe you have noticed that:
Your life has gotten smaller
You don't spend as much time with your family or friends
You're worried a lot.
Maybe you’re not working anymore
Hobbies...What are those?
You’re more dependant on others than you would like, but since you don’t want to be you push them away.
Does any of this sounds familiar?
Are you tired of getting your hopes up when you think you might find the next ‘cure’ only to be disappointed and left feeling like what’s the point of even trying?
Do you feel like there has to be more?
I mean, all your scans are clear, or at least don’t account for the pain that you experience. You are starting to realize that there has to be more to this picture.
Maybe you’ve already noticed that your pain is influenced by:
How you feel
How much sleep you had
Stress you are experiencing in your work or personal life.
Are you frustrated and confused by all the different advice and the array of contradicting information leaving you feeling stuck?
What if I told you there was another way!?
What if I told you that you have everything you need already?
When is a pain coach right for you?
You have had little success with other therapies in the past
You want to avoid unnecessary surgery
You are open to trying something new
You are tired of pain being the center of your life
You want to bring more joy back into your life and live a more meaningful life again
You are willing to look deeper than just the structural part of your pain
You understand that emotions, mood, and beliefs affect your pain experience
You want to understand your pain better
You are struggling to be present in your own life
How can I benefit from seeing a pain coach?
There are many ways in which you could benefit from a pain coach. Here are some of the things that I think are possibly the most beneficial:
Getting on the right road faster
Less time spent going through other therapies that promise quick fixes or a cure
Learning to orienting your actions towards meaning and the things that you value in your life
Cultivating a deeper understanding of yourself, including self-compassion and acceptance
Learning to understand your pain from a more open and flexible perspective
Learning how to self-manage and control your pain even when it flares up
Establishing a form of accountability and support to help you on your journey
1:1 Coaching Package
3 months 1:1 with Christine
8 sessions in total: 60 minutes each
First Month: 4 sessions
Second Month: 2 sessions
Third Month: 2 sessions
After you apply, you will be contacted by Christine. Coaching usually runs on a Tuesday or Thursday, but can be flexible depending on your schedule. Christine is located in Amsterdam, so please take the CEST/CET time zone into consideration.
When is a pain coach NOT the right fit for you?
You are still searching for a diagnosis for your pain
You are looking for a quick fix or a cure
You are unwilling to talk about your emotions and other factors that are likely influencing your pain experiences
You are only focused on decreasing pain